Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dec begins

Hey everyone.. well November has come and past and I'm on to my 3rd month here in Belfast and its been really good. Last weekend I got out a bit and met some new friends and I hope to hang out with them again soon. I haven't been updating this blog as much as I want to but the truth is I really don't have new things to report everyday so I don't write as much. LOL Anyways, I met some new friends and they all seem very cool, they just don't live in Belfast, they live in the towns about 15 mins away so that makes it a bit harder for us to hang out. But hopefully soon.

I leave for Scotland on Christmas Eve and will be in Edinburgh from the 26th through the 4th of January. I cant wait for Hogmany and to see how the Scots celebrate it. I'm hoping there will be some nice people in the hostel I'm staying in and hopefully I can hang with them while I'm there. I want to go see the Edinburgh castle and I'm going to be looking for some more things to do while I'm there. I'm sure there is loads to do... I just need to google it and see what I want to do.

Cath is in Edinburgh this weekend so that will give me the opportunity to work a few more hours this week and make a little extra cash... some is going to be stashed away in my savings and some will go for spending money while I'm in Edinburgh. I'm thinking after I come back from that trip Ill start banking majority of my earnings each week for when I come home so I will be able to pay the bills Ill have while I'm at home.

Ive also started looking on the aupair websites I'm on for a family somewhere in California for when I get home. I would ideally like to live somewhere up north in the San Fransisco area. That way I'm close enough to come home and for everyone to come visit whenever we like but I'm still far enough away to have my own life and Independence. I think that would be good. The thing is I just need to find the right family and get it all set up. I'm a little on the early side looking for families and most people are only looking for someone who can start in January and February, so I figure come mid January there will be alot more people looking and Ill find the right place for me... but if anyone knows anyone who is looking for a nanny, let me know. :O) Well I better be going but I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving and hope to hear from you soon. :0D

1 comment:

  1. Hello to you Melissa,

    I was reading your blog and it sounds very interesting and very adventurous. You're now a world traveler and have a lot of experiences to talk about and I envy that. I've never been out of California really. Been to Vegas, but that's about it. Anyway you're having loads of fun and keeping your head on right and keeping your eyes open and I'm real proud of you and I'm glad you're having this time and I enjoy reading your blog. So I'll talk to you again and you be good.

    Uncle Allen
